Tampereen Talviuimarit ry (Tampere Winter Swimmers Association) was established on March 6, 1960. Over its history, the association has grown from a few dozen members who enjoy winter swimming into a community of 450 members, maintaining the best winter sauna in the country. The purpose of the association is ”to promote public health and fitness through winter swimming.” The main goals are to raise awareness of the importance of winter swimming, expand participation in the activity, and improve opportunities for winter swimming enthusiasts.

How to join?
Joining fee is 20€ and the membership fee is 20€ / year.
Fill the form
Anyone interested in winter swimming can become a member of the association. You can obtain a membership application form from the heating operator at the sauna, and it can be submitted in the mailbox at the sauna, or you can fill out the form available on the website.
Membership benefits include the right to purchase an annual pass (€350). Members also have the opportunity to participate in events fully or partially sponsored by the association, such as sauna and theater trips, and to rent the association’s property, Tamkoti, in Pärnu. The association covers members’ participation fees for winter swimming competitions. For additional details read the competitions page.
What the association does
The board, elected at the annual meeting held in March, is responsible for the various tasks of the association. You can find the contact information for the board members and details about the different committees and their responsibilities on the website.
The association’s main task is to maintain the Kaupinoja winter sauna. To this end, sauna attendants have been hired to heat the sauna, sell tickets, hats, sausages, and other small necessities, and ensure the cleanliness of the sauna and the comfort of all guests. Firewood, minor repairs, and maintenance of the sauna stove are carried out as volunteer work. Information about volunteer opportunities is posted on the association’s announcement pages.
The association also organizes enjoyable gatherings centered around winter sauna activities: events at the sauna, sauna evenings on festive days such as Christmas and Midsummer, and sauna trips to other locations.
Additionally, the association arranges other communal activities, such as theater trips, depending on interest and participation. Information about events and excursions is communicated both at the sauna and on the association’s announcement pages.
The association also organizes winter swimming competitions and other water sports-related events, and participates in similar events organized by other clubs, including the annual national winter swimming championships and the biennial world championships.
Members are offered the opportunity to rent the association’s property, Pärnu Tamkoti.
The association’s activities are managed by committees, which interested members outside the board can also join.

The association has committees for its operations. Members outside the board are invited to join these committees.
Interested members can also contact the committee leader to get involved in their activities.

Leisure committee
Riikka Kaijanen
Heidi Lundberg
Raija Pennanen
Terhi Mäkinen

Property committee
Talkoovastaava:Timo Kortteisto
Timo Höyden
Raimo Majamäki

Competition committee
Anne Haanpää
Tiina Nummi
Arto Jassu
Taina Rajanti

Pärnu committee
Pertti Rantanen
Tiina Nummi
Simo Mäkelä
Raimo Majamäki

Volunteer work at Kaupinoja

The Tampere Winter Swimmers maintain the Kaupinoja sauna through various volunteer efforts. Only the sauna attendants are paid employees.
In the monthly woodwork volunteer days, firewood is cut and stacked. These volunteer days are usually organized on Saturdays and are announced separately on the website and at the sauna. The woodwork sessions start at 8 AM unless otherwise stated.
Food, coffee, and sauna are provided for the volunteers.
Winter swimmers also carry out other maintenance and repair work as volunteer activities. For example, the sauna stove stones are changed once a month on the second Tuesday of the month, which is designated as the sauna maintenance day.
If you’re interested in getting involved, please inquire with the board’s volunteer coordinator, Timo Kortteisto, at 044 970 6543 or tt.kortteisto@gmail.com.
Winter swimming events, such as Kaupin Kuohut in the fall and the Pirkanmaa Winter Swimming Event in the spring, are also carried out with the help of volunteers. Registrations, timing, results service, and assisting competitors are all handled through volunteer work. To get involved, you can contact members of the Competition Committee, such as Anne Haanpää at 040 567 7007 (anne.haanpaa@gmail.com) or Mika Pöyhölä at 040 534 8522 (mika.poyhola@gmail.com).
You can also sign up with Tiina if you want to join the soup team, which is responsible for providing food for the volunteers and events.
Welcome to the merry bunch!
Members’ newsletter
- Saunaretki Knuutilan tilalle 26.4.Tampereen Talviuimarit ry:n jäsenille saunaretki Sastamalaan Knuutilan tilalle 26.4.2025. Hinta 30€, sisältää bussikyydin, saunomisen sekä aterian tilalla ja tietysti hyvän seuran! Lähtö 12.45 Vanhan Kirkon edestä. Sauna lämmin 14.00 alkaen. Ilmoittautuminen Tiinalle tekstarilla tai whatsappilla Tiina Nummi 040 771 4700.Huom: varmistat paikkasi maksamalla osallistumisesi!Ilmoittaudu ja maksa retkesi 6.4. mennessä. Tilille Tampereen Talviuimarit: FI5457300820114102. Merkitse maksun tietoihin… Lue lisää: Saunaretki Knuutilan tilalle 26.4.
- Teatteriretki “Neiti Marple ja tuijottava katse” 3.5.Tampereen Talviuimareiden jäsenille 3.5. Klo 19.00 teatteriretki “Neiti Marple ja tuijottava katse” esitykseen TTTn suurella näyttämöllä. Varattuna 50 lippua, hinta 50€ joka sisältää väliaikatarjoilun. Ilmoittautuminen Tiinalle tekstarilla tai whatsappilla. Huom: varmistat paikkasi maksamalla lippusi! Ilmoittaudu ja maksa lippusi 31.3. mennessä. Tilille Tampereen Talviuimarit: FI5457300820114102. Merkitse maksun tietoihin nimesi ja “teatteriretki”. Tiina Nummi 040 771 4700… Lue lisää: Teatteriretki “Neiti Marple ja tuijottava katse” 3.5.
- Tampereen Talviuimarit ry:n kevään toimintaa:Hyvä Tampereen Talviuimari! Tampereen Talviuimarit ry:n kevään toimintaa: (ilmoitamme tapahtumista, retkien hinnoista ja ilmoittautumisista myös erikseen nettisivuilla talviuimarit.fi ja seuran FB ryhmässä): Tampereen Talviuimarit ry vuosikokous Takkatuvalla 31.3. Klo 18.00, 17.30 alkaen kahvit. Toimintakertomus ja tilinpäätös, toimintasuunnitelma ja talousarvio, sekä valitaan hallitukseen neljä jäsentä (erovuorossa Timo Höyden, Riikka Kaijanen, Tiina Nummi ja Tatu Pouttu) sekä… Lue lisää: Tampereen Talviuimarit ry:n kevään toimintaa:
- Pirkanmaan Talviuintitapahtuma 5.4. tervetuloa!Kaupinojan saunalla taas perinteinen Pirkanmaan Talviuintitapahtuma 5.4.2025Kilpauinnit alkavat klo 12, joten ainakin hiljainen tunti jää väliin. Ilmoitamme myöhemmin miten sauna aukeaa yleisölle, kun tiedämme osallistujien määrän. Ohjelmassa:Kilpasarjat:Rintauintikisa 25 m:– radalla kierretään poiju, ratoja on kaksi– päälaki ei saa käydä veden alla– uima-asu säädyllinen ja päähine pakollinenSarjat: A1 alle 15v, A2 15 – 19 B 20… Lue lisää: Pirkanmaan Talviuintitapahtuma 5.4. tervetuloa!
- Terveisiä Pajulahden SM-kisoista!Talviuinnin SM-kisat käytiin viime viikonloppuna Pajulahden urheiluopistolla. Tampereen Talviuimareita oli tietysti mukana reipas joukkue – eri kilpasarjoissa, viesteissä, kuutteja ja huutosakkia. Mitaleita tuli mykistävät määrät – kaikkiaan 15 kultaa, 9 hopeaa ja 7 pronssia henkilökohtaisissa lajeissa, ja 1 viestikulta. Laurin malja lähti Lahden Avantouimareille vaikka kolmen parhaan seuran joukossa toisina oltiinkin. Jokainen uimari teki mahtavaa… Lue lisää: Terveisiä Pajulahden SM-kisoista!
Tamkoti, Pärnu
The association has acquired an apartment with three rooms, a living room, and a kitchen at Tammsaare Puistotee 28 in Pärnu for its members to use. Rental rights are granted to members who are in good standing with their membership obligations. The rental period during the peak season is from Sunday to Sunday.
Applications submitted by January 15 at 5 PM will be processed at the Pärnu Committee meeting. If there are multiple applicants for the same time slot, priority will be given to those who have not stayed there in the previous two years. If there are still more interested parties for the same period, a lottery will determine who gets the rental. After this date, the remaining available slots for the current year will be rented out based on the order of arrival of the booking applications.
Check here for a free slot:
Inquiries and feedback:
Terhi Mäkinen phone 040 820 2952
Preliminary reservation can be made with the

Price list
Summer season (15.5 – 31.8.) | 450€ / week |
Winter season (1.9 – 14.5) | 250€ / week |
150€ / long weekend (wednesday-sunday) |
The reservation fee is €50, and the reservation will be confirmed once the fee is paid.
The reservation must be paid for 2 months in advance. If the reservation is made less than 30 days before the event, it must be paid on the next possible banking day.
Cancellations must be made at least one month in advance; otherwise, the fee will not be refunded.
You can obtain the bank transfer details from the sauna attendant or pay to the account of Tampereen Talviuimarit.
Account number for the rental payment:
OKOYFIHH FI54 5730 0820 1141 02
Please remember to clearly include the following information: Name, Tamkoti, and the date you have reserved.
You can obtain the Kaupinoja sauna keys during opening hours from the sauna attendant only upon presentation of the payment receipt. The rental must therefore be paid in advance.
- The changeover day is Sunday at 12 PM.
- Please bring your own sheets and towels.
- Each person is responsible for bringing their own toilet paper and paper towels.
- There are recycling bins for waste in the yard.
- Parking is available in the yard.
Before leaving, the renter must clean up after themselves.
To Pärnu
Buses to Pärnu depart from the bus station in Tallinn every hour; the easiest way to get from the port to the bus station is by taxi.
It’s also easy to drive to Pärnu. The journey from Tallinn to Pärnu via the Baltic road takes 1.5 to 2 hours. The road has been renovated in recent years with EU funding. Having your own car also allows you to explore the entire area in a new way, even all the way to Riga!
However, it’s important to ensure that your insurance is valid abroad. In the Tamkoti parking area, cars are generally safe, and the traffic behavior is quite similar to that in Finland.
Pärnu information
The city is very cozy and idyllic even outside the peak season. All the spas and their services are available. Pärnu also offers a variety of cultural activities, including theater, concerts, and more.
Information about Pärnu and its events can be found

Tampereen Talviuimarit ry rules
1 § Name and residence
Associations name is Tampereen Talviuimarit ry and the residence is in Tampere.
2 § Purpose
The purpose of the association is to enhance the health and fitness of the public through winter swimming and sauna activities. To achieve this, the association:
- Aims to improve public awareness of the significance of winter swimming.
- Seeks to expand participation in winter swimming, disseminate information about it, and study its effects on public health.
- Strives to provide better opportunities for winter swimming enthusiasts through its organization.
To support its activities, the association may:
- Engage in regular kiosk operations.
2. Accept donations and bequests.
3. Own necessary real estate and movable property.
4. Conduct lotteries and fundraising activities with the appropriate permits.
3 § Members
The members of the association are as follows:
The board may designate as free members those regular members who have paid their membership fees for 20 consecutive years.
Honorary members, who are exempt from paying membership fees.
Regular members, who pay a joining fee and an annual membership fee.
4 § Becoming a member
The association may appoint as an honorary member a person who has significantly advanced the association’s objectives, based on a proposal from the board. Approval of the proposal requires at least three-quarters of the votes cast in the meeting.
A person can become a regular member upon approval by the board.
Free members are exempt from paying membership fees.
5 § Expelling a member
The board of the association may consider a member to have resigned from the association if they have not paid their membership fee for one year. A member who acts contrary to the purposes or rules of the association may be expelled by the board if at least two-thirds of the board members present at the meeting support the expulsion.
6 § Association chairman and board
The affairs and finances of the association are managed by a board, which consists of a chairperson elected for a term of two years, along with eight (8) other regular members and two alternate members elected for one-year terms. The other regular members of the board are elected for a term of two years, with four (4) members resigning each year. The annual meeting of the association elects the chairperson of the board, who is referred to as the chairperson of the association. The board elects a vice-chairperson from among its members and appoints a secretary, treasurer, and any other necessary officials, and the board may hire an executive director if needed.
7 § Signing the association’s name
The association’s name is signed by either the chairperson or the vice-chairperson, along with the secretary, treasurer, or another regular member of the board.
8 § Board meetings
The board convenes at the invitation of the chairperson or vice-chairperson and is quorate when five (5) members, including the chairperson, are present. Minutes must be kept for the board meetings.
If the chairperson is unable to attend a meeting, the vice-chairperson will act in their place, and if the vice-chairperson is also unavailable, the board will select another member to serve as the chairperson’s substitute.
In voting, a simple majority of votes determines the outcome. In the case of a tie, the chairperson’s vote will decide, except in elections, where a draw will determine the result.
9 § Committees
For the practical management of matters, the board may establish committees as deemed necessary. The actions of the committees are recorded in the minutes of the board meetings. The committees operate under the supervision and authority of the board.
10 § Fiscal year and board term
The fiscal year of the association is the calendar year, and the accounts must be submitted to the auditors by February 15.
11 § Association annual meeting
The annual meeting of the association shall be held by April 1. The board shall call the meeting either in writing or by announcing it in newspapers deemed necessary and on the sauna’s notice board at least seven days before the meeting. An extraordinary meeting shall be announced in the same manner and within the same timeframe.
Matters to be addressed at the annual meeting:
- Approval of the activity report and financial statements for the previous year.
- Presentation of the auditor’s report and decision on the approval of the financial statements and granting of discharge to the board.
- Determination of the amount of the membership fee and annual dues.
- Approval of the action plan and budget for the current year.
- Election of the chairman of the association for a two-year term.
- Election of the board members to replace those who are retiring and the alternate members.
- Election of two auditors and their deputies.
- Discussion of other proposals submitted to the board at least 10 days before the meeting, for which the board shall present its statement.
Matters are resolved by a simple majority of votes unless otherwise specified in these rules. In the event of a tie, the chairman’s vote shall decide, except in elections, where a draw will resolve the tie.
12 § Changing the rules
Changes to these rules can be made at the annual meeting, if at least three fourths of the votes at the annual meeting approve of the changes.
13 §
The dissolution of the association can occur in the same manner as amending the rules. If the association ceases its activities, its assets will, by the decision of the annual meeting, be transferred to the Cancer Foundation or another registered organization promoting public health in Finland.
14 § Other
In other unclear matters, decisions will be made in accordance with the applicable association law.
Acquired membership rights will be preserved.
This amendment to the rules was registered with the Patent and Registration Office’s Association Register on June 1, 2017.