Frequently Asked Questions
- I forgot something at the sauna, is it still there??
- Call or text the heater 050 551 7732! We store found goods for 1 month.
- Is the sauna open on day x?
- Kaupinoja sauna is open practically all the time, except for the second Tuesday of every month, when maintenance work is done there. In the summer, the sauna is closed for a couple of weeks for annual maintenance. Exceptions will be notified separately. The opening hours of the sauna are shown on the front page.
- I would like to book a visit to the sauna, how can I do that?
- You cannot and do not need to book a visit to the sauna. You are welcome. If the sauna is crowded, you may have to wait in line.
- There would be a larger group of us coming, how can we book a sauna?/ I would like to rent the larger sauna, how can it be done?
- The larger public sauna is not rented for private use. We also do not reserve space there for a group. We ask large groups to announce their results in advance Riikka Kaijanen tel. 050 404 4176, riikka.kaijanen@gmail.com. This way, the staff knows how to prepare for traffic.
- Couldn’t you extend the opening hours even by an hour in the evenings, the traffic could be eased…
- Unfortunately, since we heat the sauna with wood, and not with electricity or oil, the kiuas is already working at its limit. We want to maintain wood heating, at least for the time being.
- Is a swimsuit mandatory?
- Yes, a swimsuit is mandatory in the sauna and outside in public spaces.
- Do you rent swimwear/towels?
- If you have forgotten your own towel, we can rent one – but we do not have the opportunity to store and wash large quantities of towels every day, so we recommend bringing your own towel. We do not have swimwear for rent.
- Why is the sauna so hot!?
- Kaupinoja sauna warms up with wood. It must be hot at the time of opening so that there is enough heat for the last saunas of the evening as well. Kaupinoja sauna is known for its strong löyly and is the reason for the popularity of many regular customers.
- There was a lot of noise in the sauna again, why won’t you do anything about it!
- The popularity of avantoswimming and interest in avantosaunas has grown visibly in recent years. All avantosaunas are crowded these days, and the large number of people brings noise and commotion. We have calmed down the first hours of the weekend from 12 to 13 for a ”quiet sauna”. Demanding silence in a loud voice has been tried, and it does not produce positive results. We try to keep the idea of ”saunapeace” visible, and we hope that all our visitors will try to make the visit to the sauna a pleasant and peaceful event for everyone.

If you did not find the answer to your question here, you can fill out the Contact form. We will try to answer your question by email.
You can find the Contact form here: