

For meetings, get-togethers or festive occasions


Adjoining to the sauna there is sc Takkatupa i.e. “hall with a fireplace”, premises than can be rented for private occasions. There is an open fireplace (takka), traditional Finnish wooden tables and benches, a kitchenette with utensils and dishes for 60 people. In addition there is videoprojector containing radio, tv, cd-player, possibility to link your pc, and an internet connection.

The tupa is rented for the whole day only.

You can also rent the adjoining small sauna (6 – 8 persons at a time) The rent is 80€ per 4 hours. When reserving, tell us when you wish the sauna to be heated. Small sauna can be rented only together with the Takkatupa, not by itself.

We do not let the big public sauna for private use. Takkatupa visitors are welcome to come to the sauna, paying the fee, but in case you have a large number of potential sauna-visitors, please let us know in advance, and prepare to que for your turn as the sauna only takes appr 60 people at a time. The sauna fees can also be added to your Takkatupa bill, if you let us know how many visitors there will be.

During summertime you can rent a small electronic grill for 10€.

Renting hours are between 9 – 24.



Contact person Simo Mäkelä: +358 40 587 1999 from 10 – 16 weekdays or email simo.tapani(at)gmail.com

Fill the form to make a reservation. Please fill in all necessary info. Our billing system requires a mailing address, though we can send the bill by email of you wish.

Check the calendar for free slots

Take good care of the Takkatupa

When leaving the premises, please take with you your things, and clean up after you, otherwise we may charge you for the extra work. Take the trashbags to the entrance, inside. Check that the windows and doors are closed.  Please don’t mess with the AV-equipment manually, use the remote control!

The reservation may be canceled a week or more before the reservation time without extra charge.

Note! Please remember to recycle bio in the bio trash can!


Sun – Thu all day 300 €
Fri – Sat all day 500 €
Small sauna 4 hours 80 €
Grill                                                                                                           10€
Cleaning charge per hour 100 €

Extra charge for cancelled reservation within less than one to two week 50 %, one week – 0 day 100% of reservation.

Welcome and enjoy your stay! Please leave the tupa nice and clean for those who come after you!