Kaupinoja’s sauna

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Kaupinojan sauna
Kaupinoja sauna is situated by lake Näsijärvi close to the UKK-Institute. There has been a sauna on the spot since 1977, but the sauna has gone through several transformations and renovations. In 25.4.2010 the sauna was reopened after a thorough renovation due to the fire in 15.11.2008 which completely destroyed the sauna proper. The building is property of the city of Tampere, but the sauna is maintained by the winterswimming association Tampereen Talviuimarit ry.


Adults 10€
Kids 7–12 years 5€
Kids under 7 years 0€

Discount cards

12 times discount card 75€
12 times discount card
seniors, students, unemployed
12 times discount card
kids 7–12 years

Annual cards

Annual card for members only 300€
Management Tuesdays and annual repair breaks will not affect the annual card. If the sauna is exceptionally closed for longer than a week, the ending date of the annual card can be moved forward to make up for lost time.

Mobile-pay, debit card, sports and cultural vouchers (Smartum), e-passport, Eazybreak and Tyky are available both for a one-time fee and for a discount card.
1.1.2024 no cash!

Pupils, students and other groups, please contact us in advance. Riikka Kaijanen tel. +358 50 404 4176, riikka.kaijanen@gmail.com.

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 15: 00-20: 45
Sat-Sun 12:00 to 20:45

Saturdays and Sundays and weekday holidays the first hour 12 – 13 is a quiet hour!

 Second Tuesday of the month the sauna is closed for maintenance.
If holidays fall on weekdays it will be the weekedn opening hours, 12.00 – 20.45.

Exceptions to opening hours will be announced separately.
Sauna closed for yearly maintenance 29.7. – 18.8.

Kaupinojan sauna
Kaupinojan sauna

A sauna for all

Kaupinoja sauna is open practically always, except the second Tuesday of the month, when maintenance works are done. In the summertime sauna is closed for yearly maintenance. Exceptions will be notified on the notice board in the frontpage. The person heating the sauna (stoker) sells the entrance-tickets, and also soft drinks and sausages for frying in tyhe grill. The stokers are empleyd by the association, all other works are done by volunteers together (sc. “talkoot” in Finnish).

The big sauna can be rented for private use only outside opnening hours. The takkatupa premises and the adjoining small eletrically heated sauna can be rented for private occasions. See the info, check the calendar and call the Tupatonttu to make a reservation!

Kaupinojan saunan palvelut


Dressing-rooms and showers are for men/ women separately. The sauna and the avanto are pubic places. You can leave you clothes in the dressing-rooms, and your valuable in the small lockers. The dressing-rooms have free hair-dryers for everybody’s use. The showers have the showers, one with lake-water (good for washing your hair!), and hangers for towels and shamppos etc. The lobby has taps for drinkingwater. Many experienced winterswimmers wear a small hat, pipa, to protect their head from the heat and the cold. We also secommed some kind of slippers or diving shoes.

Note: the sauna proper closes 15min before closing time; the dressing rooms must be empty by closing time.

All for the sauna

We count something like 57 000 visits to the sauna yearly. The wintermonths are the busiest, and some nights there may be over 400 people visitors. The Christmas Eve sauna has some 3oo people dropping by in three hours.

The water is cold but the sauna is hot. The new stove (kiuas) makes possible milder general heat and fiery löylys (throwing water on the stove). The stove has 800 kg of stones, which are changed every month. We burn 1,5 cube metres of wood every evening during winter. The new sauna from 2010 is of stone, thus the wooden panels do not need to be renewed yearly. The constant use and high heat demands ongoing maintenance, thus the sauna is closed every secodn Tuesday of the month for that.


Just take the plunge!

Winterswimming and sauna are bood for mind and body both. Winterswimming alleviates asthma, rheumatic pains, psoriasis; build physical resistance and keeps colds off. Research shows that winterswimmers have a more positive outlook on life: as they say, your worries and bothers are left behind in the avanto. If you’re feeling feverish, sauna and avanto are not good places to be. If you have a heart condition, consult your doctor. it is recommended to drink water or soft drinks, as you loose liquids and are under stress.

The important thing is to listen to your own body. The orthodox way is to plunge first and last in the cold water, but everybody should choose where they sit in the sauna and how long they swim, as long as it makes them feel good.